Issue #2 : The Dungeon Issue - SOLD OUT

Issue #2! It's Alive!

Check my Etsy shop, BucketofSpiders, for a reprint.

(Why Etsy? Built in inventory management.)

Within its foreboding card stock cover, you'll find 24 glorious b&w pages dedicated to dungeons. 

  • Not one, but two dungeon adventures for low-level PCs
  • Random generators including my all new "Yet Another Random Dungeon Generator"!
  • Magic items of dubious value
  • Un-keyed dungeon maps to use when you have to run a game on short notice
  • And, as they say on TV, much, much more!
Although I wrote it with B/X and its various clones in mind, it is system neutral.

24 pages, card stock cover, b/w, 1/2 size (5.5" x 8.5") zine

Please allow 2-3 days for processing.

When these are sold out, I may or may not make a 2nd print run. I need to find a way to make them more cost effectively.


  1. John, I would love to trade with you! Issue #6 of the Manor is nearly done. Hoping within a week or two.

  2. I'd be very interested in a trade. You can email me at nellisir at

    1. Hey Nathan, Yes let's! I'll email you later on today. - John

  3. Hi, I'd love to trade Crawljammer #1 and #2 for the first two issues of this! Let me know!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm considering it - to do so economically, I need to re-size everything so it will print on standard paper. If i can do this, I'll do the printing on my laser printer and although the card stock would be somewhat thinner ,I could decrease the price by a dollar or two.
